Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Englisch Expression to Take a Cup too Much in German

The English phrase: to take a cup too much, to have a drop too much = in German: zu tief ins Glas schauen / gucken. This German expression means literally that one looks too deep into the glass, in other words that the person is drunk, has had too much alcohol.

Examples and Origines of this German expression.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

English Expression to Be in Cold Sweat Translated into German

The German expression for the English expression: To be in fear = Blut und Wasser schwitzen. It indicates essentially: to sweat blood as well as water.

English Expression to Be in Cold Sweat Translated into German

be in cold sweat

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

English Expression to Throw in the Towel in German

The English expression: 'to throw in the towel' = in German: 'das Handtuch werfen'. The actual meaning is the same in English and German in this case. 'To throw in the towel' means that someone gives up, admits defeat or surrenders.

das Handtuch werfen = to throw the towel

Click for more info on this expression.