Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

German Expression for English Phrase To Be In the Boondocks

The German expression for the English expression: To be in the boonbocks = Am Arsch der Welt. Example: He lives out in the boondocks. - Er lebt am Arsch der Welt. It means that it is far away and hard to get to.

German Expression for English Phrase To Be In the Boondocks

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Friday, February 14, 2014

German Phrase for English Expression to Pull Every Word out of Someone

The German phrase for the English expression: To pull every word out of someone - Jemandem etwas aus der Nase ziehen (Indicates: having a difficult time to get any type of information out of a person, it feels like pulling teeth).
Sie fragte Ihren Freund, wo er letzte Nacht gewesen war. Er zuckte nur mit den Schultern. Sie musste ihm jedes Wort aus der Nase ziehen. - She asked her boyfriend, where he had been last night. He just shrugged his shoulders. She had to pull every word out of him.

German Phrase for English Expression to Pull Every Word out of Someone

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Beautiful Germany From Above in 1080p HD

Ein faszinierendes Video, dass Deutschland aus der Vogelperspektive zeigt. - A fascinating video that shows Germany from a bird's-eye-view.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

German Idiom for the Exression to Be Flabbergasted

The German phrase for the phrase: To fall from all clouds = aus allen Wolken fallen (implies: to be taken by complete surprise (negatively), to be flabbergasted).
Example: Ich fiel aus allen Wolken, als mein Sohn total schlammig nach Hause kam. - I was flabbergasted when my son came home totally muddy.

German Idiom for the Exression to Be Flabbergasted

More info on image to fall from all clouds

Monday, February 3, 2014

German Expression: To lead someone by the Nose

The phrase: To lead somebody by the nose, to fool somebody = In German: Jemanden an der Nase herumführen. 

German Expression: To lead someone by the Nose

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German Expression for the Phrase To Rack Ones Brain

The German expression for the English phrase: To rack ones brains, to puzzle = sich den Kopf zerbrechen (Literally: To smash your own head).
Der Mann zerbricht sich den Kopf darüber, wie sein Freund das Auto auf den Baum gekriegt hat. - The man is racking his brains about how his friend got the car into the top of the tree.

German Expression for the Phrase To Rack Ones Brain

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